2021 Fly Tying
2021 Fly Tying Sessions
Capital City Fly Fishers YouTube Channel
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/K3EuEYdGj34
Hook - #14 TMC 200R Hook (or equivalent 3x long curved, straight eye hook
Bead - Black Tungston 7/64
Thread - 8/0 Brown or Black
Tail - Brown rabbit fur
Body - Brown Furnace Hackle
Dubbing - Prism SLF Dubbing, Chocolate Brown (can substitute with 3 or 4 strands of peacock hurl)
Montauk Green Caddis Pupa by Frank Hume
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/ZBJXVEqYPWY
Hook - #20 Standard dry fly or nymph hook
Thread - Black 10/0 - 14/0
Body - Fl. Chartruese UTC Ultra Wire SM
Body - Same as thread
Thorax - Black Dry Fly Hackle sized to #20 hook
Chocolate Cherry
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/ngyYX0_hHOM
Hook - 2457 TMC, Dai Riki 135, Daiichi 1120 or any good scud hook size # 18 - #16
Bead - Red Tungston size to hook
Thread - Veevus 10/0 Brown or Uni-thread 8/0 Camel
Tail - 4 to 6 pieces of Krystal Flash (Opal)
Body - Same as thread
Rib - Small red wire
Thorax - Prism ( Hare's Ear)
The Pan Fly
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/mqaKHJNS97A
Hook - Daiichi 1560 size #14 or any good 1 x strong x 1 x long hook
Thread - Veevus FL orange 10/0
Bead - Small Bar Bell 4 mm or 3.2 mm
Body - Antron Dubbing FL orange
Wing - 1 feather each of FL orange and yellow
Flash - Krystal Flash ( Hot orange) 6 to 8 pieces
Euro (Competition) Style Pheasant Tail Nymph
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/uEbP1MFatb0
Hook - Size 12 60 degree jig
Thread - UTC 70 Thread olive (or florescent orange for hot spot)
Bead - 3.5mm slotted tungsten bead or brass bead + lead wraps
Tail - Hackle or schlappen fibers
Wire - Small copper wire
Dubbing - Peacock herl or synthetic dubbing substitute
Wing Case - Green holo-tinsel or flash
Wotton Whitetail Super Midge
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/NTyTLNr5N7k
Hook - Size 12-18 scud
Thread - UTC 70 thread white or red
Bead - Tungsten silver
Tail - White marabou
Body - Pearl flash or mylar
Body Wrap - Spanflex or thread in correct color
Wire - Small silver wire
Collar - Peacock herl or SLF prism dub in peacock color
Willie's Pip
Hook - Size 16-18 scud
Tail - Red floss
Collar = Peacock herl
Thread - Black 8/0
Lefty's Deceiver
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/Y_wBXWWWuOY
Hook - 1-1/0 Gamakatsu B10S (or any large streamer hook)
Thread - White GSP 100
Tail = White Saddle Hackle or Schlappen
Flash - Pearl Flashabou
Wing - Bucktail of desired color
Eyes - 8mm 3D eyes
Glue - Superglue, UV Resin or 5 Min Epoxy
Bonus Feature:
Sam Stewart provides tips, trick and locations for Smallmouth Bass fishing in Missouri.
Barr's Meat Whistle
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/7tXX4lIK7m0
Hook - 3/0 Jig Hook (or Eagle Claw from Merten's)
Cone - 6mm Brass
Thread = UTC 140 (color unspecified)
Tail - Rabbit Zonker
Flash - Rust Flashabou (or complimentary color)
Legs - Silli Legs Barred Brown (or accent color)
Wing - Matching color marabou - light brown (ginger) or tan for sculpin/crayfish
Collar - Golden Brown Ice Dub (or complimentary color)
You will find fly patterns and pictures from past fly tying sessions using these links:
Fly Patterns: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2017 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006