About Us

Capital City Fly Fishers (CCFF), in 1996, was formed in the interest of promoting fly fishing and conservation in the Central Missouri area. Our mission is to educate people about the philosophies, ethics and history of fly fishing and, to conserve and protect the fisheries of our state. In addition, CCFF utilizes the sport of fly fishing to help the youth of our state focus on fishing as an alternative to drugs and jouvenile delinquency. In doing so, the members of CCFF help them find a sense of value and develop ethics necessary to becoming future leaders of our communities. CCFF is affiliated with the following:

  • Missouri Stream Team Program
  • Fly Fishers International - Southern Council
  • The Conservation Federation of Missouri


Membership in CCFF is easy and inexpensive. CCFF dues are $20 per year. That covers your entire family. To join CCFF, just come to a meeting and pay your dues to our Treasurer, or you can print out the following membership application and mail it along with a check for $20 to the address listed on the application [PDF].

Coming to meetings is a great way to visit with people, keep up with current information concerning fly fishing, and exchange valuable hints and secrets associated with the sport.


The CCFF meets the second Tuesday of each month. Meeting location is typically held at Knights of Columbus, 1822 Tanner Bridge Road, Lower Level, Jefferson City, MO 65101 unless otherwise noted. Regular meetings start at 7:00 p.m. following the officer's meeting at 6:00 p.m. Each regular meeting includes a fly raffle and a program with a guest speaker associated with fly fishing.

The fly raffle helps to earn money for the different activities the club is involved in. To enter the raffle a member either pays $2 for a ticket, or donates a fly for the box. The winner of the fly raffle receives the flies in a fly box that is supplied by the club. Some of the programs presented in the past are rod building, information on the White River, and muskie fishing in Missouri using a fly rod.

All members are provided with one name tag entry at each meeting, if attending, and two name tag entries for each club sponsored activity, if attending. The collection of name tags are turned into a club-member only drawing at the annual fund raising banquet for a nice prize, usually a custom-built fly rod.


The revised bylaws can be found here. [PDF] [WORD DOCX]

Contact Info:

Greg Curtain, President
Email: info@capitalcityflyfishers.org

Club Mailing Address

Capital City Fly Fishers, c/o Jack Kramer, 1731 Overlook Drive, Jefferson City MO 65109

2025 Officers and Board of Directors

  • Justin Beyer- President
  • John Goad - Vice President
  • John Wenzlick - Secretary
  • Jack Kramer - Treasurer
  • Melvin Schulenburg - Board Member (1 Year)
  • John Walther - Board Member (1 Year)
  • Micahel Collins - Board Member (2 Year) and Facebook Administrator
  • Steve Peters - Board Member (2 Year)
  • Mark Jaersak- Board Member (3 Year)
  • Phil Wisch- Board Member (3 Year)
  • Greg Curtain - Newsletter Editor
  • Larry Murphy - Webmaster
  • Jeff Holzem - Stream Team 760 Coordinator

Past Officers and Board Members